Organic Kohe Fertilizer (Animal Manure)
Manure is fertilizer that comes from animal waste. Animals whose feces are often used as manure are animals kept by the community, such as goats, cows, sheep and chickens. Apart from solid form, manure can also be liquid which comes from animal urine. Manure contains macro and micro nutrients. Solid manure (macro) contains lots of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Micronutrients contained in manure include calcium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, iron, copper and molybdenum. The nitrogen content in livestock urine is three times greater than the nitrogen content in solid manure.
Manure is useful for providing macro and micro nutrients and has high ion binding capacity so that it will make inorganic materials in the soil more effective, including inorganic fertilizers. Apart from that, manure can improve soil structure, so that plant growth can be optimal. Manure that is ready to be applied is cold, crumbly, its original form is not visible, and its odor has been reduced. Using immature manure will inhibit plant growth and can even kill the plant. A good use of manure is by immersing it so that evaporation of nutrients due to chemical processes in the soil can be reduced. It is best to use liquid manure after the plants have grown, so that the nutrients contained in the liquid manure will be quickly absorbed by the plants.
How to apply to plants:
The application of organic fertilizer for seasonal plants can be done at the same time as land processing, fertilizing for annual plants, it is best to dip it in at the root tip, and each plant generally has the root tip right under the very tip of the plant's leaves. The more organic fertilizer given, the more soil fertility will increase.
Vermicompost Fertilizer / Organic Worm Compost
Want your plants to grow more fertile but worried about the bad effects of chemical fertilizers?
It's time to turn to Vermicompost Fertilizer. Produced naturally by earthworms with all its benefits, vermicompost fertilizer is effective for fertilizing your plants and maintaining soil health. Vermicompost has a dense but soft texture so it can be applied to both dry and wet land and its slow release and soluble nutritional properties make it easily absorbed by the soil. You can use it for vegetables, fruit, flowers, rice, secondary crops, and grass on golf courses
So, what are the advantages of VERMICOMPOST:
Plants and fruit are 1.5 times more fertile Based on research, plants given vermicompost
experienced an increase in root, stem and fruit weight 1.5 times more than plants that only received NPK fertilizer.
Meet plant needs
The presence of natural microbes such as good fungi, good bacteria and actinomycetes that multiply in the soil helps bind the chemical elements that plants need.
Suitable for a variety of plants
Vermicompost is a type of organic fertilizer that is suitable for various types of plants. Vermicompost can improve fruit quality. And makes the color of the flowers even more beautiful
Increases water and oxygen retention Vermicompost can increase the porosity, aeration and drainage of the soil so that plants get more water and oxygen needed to grow.
Rich in nutrients
When compared to traditional compost, the nutrients and minerals of this soft-textured fertilizer are much higher. Nutrients such as nitrate, phosphate, potassium, calcium and magnesium are completely containedin vermicompost fertilizer.
How to use:
Vermicompost fertilizer is mixed with soil media with a 1:1 composition, then it can be directly used as a planting medium or as plant nutrition. Composition: 100% Vermicompost/ Worm Dung
Plastic Bulk Vermicompost (5 kg)
Bulk Vermicompost (25 kg)
Plastic Sifter Vermicompost (5 kg)
Vermicompost Sifter Sak (25 kg