In Serafood factory, we bring you these meals to you in different kinds like:
*Fried Eggplant and Peppers.
*Stuffed Leaves.
*Kidney bean.
*Okra with Olive Oil.
*Chard Wrap.
*Stuffed Cabbage.
*Stuffed Peppers.
*Stuffed Eggplant.
*Stuffed Zucchini.
*Bean Steak with Sauce.
*Dried Beans with Sauce.
*Bean Stewing.
*Fried Eggplant.
Looking for a delicious way to elevate your breakfast or snack? Our SeraFood jams are made from the finest, sun-ripened fruits, capturing the essence of natural sweetness in every jar. Whether you spread it on toast, swirl it into yogurt, or pair it with your favorite desserts, our jams add a burst of flavor that's sure to delight your taste buds.
We have all kinde of olives
*Sweet Chili Pepper.
*Hot Pepper Powder.
*Ground Black Pepper.
*black cumin.
*Baking soda.
*lemon salt.