If crops are to grow well, soil P H level must be maintained between 6.5 and 7.5. pH is a measure of whether the soil is acidic or alkaline. Plants with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 thrive best on a pH scale of 0 to 14. If the pH of the soil falls below 6, rotting and rotting diseases, fungal diseases and viral diseases increase in plants. Every time farmers increase the pH with lime before monsoon, but it has a shelf life of only 45 days and it destroys the nutrients and micro-organisms in the soil. But ABS pH Soil Booster increases soil pH to 7 without causing any problem. This high pH level can last for up to a year. To get the right benefits of fertilizer, P. H should be between 6.5 and 7.5.
Soil carbon is essential for sustaining soil microbes. Water holding capacity of soil is depends upon the carbon percentage in the soil. ABS Agrow Power contains 27% of organic carbon. Protein and fat are the important elements which controls the productivity of crops. In addition with organic carbon, protein and fat ABS Agrow Power contains several nutrients which reconditions the soil.
ABS Agrow Green is enriched with magnesium and calcium carbonate. Magnesium is the powerhouse behind photosynthesis in plants. Without magnesium, chlorophyll cannot capture sun energy needed for photosynthesis. Magnesium gives the green colour to the plants and the calcium magnesium combination gives strength to the plants. Also productivity of the crop will be increased..Benefits1. Improves photosynthesis2. Improve productivity3. Gives green colour to the plants4. Balance pH level5. Cal-Mg combination gives strength