Breed: Holstein
- Age: 15-24 months
- Pregnancy: 3-6 moths
- Mothers production
- 1st lactation >9000l
- 2nd lactation >10000l
- Sexed semen: Optional
- Health: All animals will be accompanied by an official veterinary health certificate
- Price FOB Constata, Romania Port (feed and loading on vessel included)
- 1975 EURO/Head
- 2075 EURO/Head (sexed semen)
- Quantity: 1000 heads / month
- Selection: By selection team on farms of origin or using FarmIT selection tool by 2-5 pictures and 3-5
second video of each animal (visual aid requirements set by buyer).
Slaughter dairy breed bulls:
- Age: < 18 months
- Weight: 450-600 KG
- Price: FOB Constanta, Romania (feed on vessel included)
- Weight-loss: 6%
Fattening dairy breed bulls:
- Age: < 12 months
- Weight: 250-350 KG
- Price: FOB Constanta, Romania (feed on vessel included)
- Weight-loss: 3%
Fresh milk with Fat 3.9-4.0%, Protein 3.5-3.55% and Somatic Cell Count 180 000, ready to ship. Country of origin: Latvia. We have our transportation and we can deliver in EU for the correct price.