Suzhou X Chemical offers a complete line of resins in the manufacturing of food and beverage products to remove impurities and improve productivity.
A properly designed and purified catalysts can obtain faster process times, better yields and higher product purity. XResinâ??s Catalysts are easy to handle and show a low degree of corrosivity. They are the catalysts of choice for some large markets such as fuel ethers, and bisphenol A. Catalysts are supplied either completely water-swollen, or dried to specification.
"Suzhou X Chemical manufactures a gel type strong base anion resin with higher amine functionality that is highlyselective for perchlorate and can remove traces of perchlorate from drinking water that contains very highconcentrations of nitrate and other anions.The combination of high capacity and high selectivity makes XResin
perchlorate selective anion resin the most cost effective choice for perchlorate removal systems
Suzhou X Chemical offers Bio-Diesel resin with excellent physical and chemical properties such as high capacity and operating capacity, lower pressure drop, well physical and chemical stability. The product is supplied in the hydrogen form which is specially used in the removal of glycerine, soaps, trace water and methanol from crude biodiesel. It can remove soaps and salts simultaneously.
Suzhou X Chemical provides a complete line of ion exchange resins made specifically for us in Ultrapure watersystems requiring 18+ megohms resistivity and ppt levels of ionic contaminants.All resins undergo treatment to remove the organic residuals that are left on ion exchange resins aftermanufacturing. All products are highly regenerated in the H+ and OH-forms.They are available in both Gaussian and uniform particle size distributions. Cation and anion componentscan be provided separately or as premixed mixed beds for ease of start-up and use.Every batch of GSCresin is tested to this standard prior to shipment these resins meet
Suzhou X Chemical offers several nitrate selective ion exchange products based on higher amine functionalitiesand also provides standard Type I and type II strong base anion resins that can be used for nitrateremoval.Although all strong base anion resins prefer nitrate over chloride, at TDS suitable for potable water, thestandard type I and type II resins prefer sulfate over nitrate. This preference can result in dumpingnitrates, acondition where the resin adds nitrate to the finished water instead of removing it.XResinâ??s nitrate selective resins have increased selectivity for nitrate and prefer nitrate over sulfate andother anions, even at very low TDS. This increased preference prevents nitrate dumping. In waters thathave high sulfate concentrations the nitrate selective resins also enjoy higher operating capacities thancan be obtained from the standard type I and type II anion resins
Suzhou X Chemical provides a complete line of ion exchange and adsorbent products for use in industrial deionization systems. Several combinations of vessels are possible in a Deionisation system, apart from the standard Two Bed configuration. Our products include resins manufactured specifically for separate beds, complex multi-beds, strata beds and mixed beds. They can be supplied in pre-regenerated and ready to use form or in their exhausted form suitable for long term storage.
Suzhou X Chemical has a range of products tailored for recovery of precious metals from electroplating solutions, leaching solutions and seawater. Ion exchange resins are commonly used to remove trace levels and to concentrate precious metals such as Uranium, Gold, Molybdenum, Rhenium, Nickel, Copper and other valuable metals. The metals are then recovered by various specialty regeneration techniques or by incinerating the resin.
Suzhou X Chemical offers a complete line of EDM resins ready to use mixed bed and separate component versions specifically designed to meet the needs of the EDM market. The ratio of component resins has been specifically tailored for full demineralization of water to provide the maximum throughput of water of the highest quality. It is suitable for use in regenerable or non-regenerable cartridges and other suitable vessels.
XResin Chromatographic Separation Resin are useful in Chromatography, bioseparations, solid phase synthesis,solid phase extraction and sample preparations.
XResin's Polymeric adsorbents are very porous spherical polymers based on highly crosslinked, macroreticular polystyrene, aliphatic, or phenol-formaldehyde condensate polymers. Polystyrenic adsorbents are more selective to non-polar products and their pore size has been tightly controlled to enhance this selectivity. The variations in surface area and pore volume give each product unique advantages in certain applications. Polyacrylic adsorbents are designed to remove hydrophilic organic compounds from less polar solutions / solvents.
Dealkalization by Suzhou X Chemical's weak and strong cation resins is accomplished by exchange of hydrogen ion forhardness ions. This process reduces the Bicarbonate Alkalinity and the pH of the treated water. They aretypically regenerated with HCl or H2SO4. Hydrogen ion combines with alkalinity to form carbon dioxidewhich is removed by degasification in a second treatment step.
"Naturally occurring surface water contain dissolved organics such as humate, fulvates and tannic acids. When chlorinated, they can lead to high levels of toxic chlorinated organic compounds. These organics can foul ion exchange resins, particularly anion resins. They also contribute to aesthetically undesirable drinking water by causing high levels of color, odor and unpleasant taste. Suzhou X Chemical provides a variety of anion exchange resins for the removal of naturally occurring organics from water. These resins are designed specifically to provide rapid efficient exchange for large organic ions both in the removal process and during regeneration. Removal of naturally occurring organics results in finished water with less color and odor, making the water more amenable to chlorination. XResinâ??s organic removal resins are all WQA Gold Seal certified to the ANSI/NSF 61 standard for drinking water
Powdered resins are widely used in condensate polishing as precoat medias. They are also used in the manufacture of membranes and other unique applications that require powders ground from resins. XResins powdered resins can be ground to very precise particle size requirements.
Suzhou X Chemical offers a wide product line of cation exchange resins for domestic and industrial water softeningincluding fine mesh resins, highly crosslinked resins, coarse mesh resins, low crosslinked resins andmacroporous resins. In general, softening is the removal of Calcium and Magnesium to prevent hardwater from scaling on piping, plumbing fixtures, bathroom surfaces and etc. It is also called the removalof hardness.XResin's softening Resins are used to soften water for use in appliances such as washing machines,dishwashers and steam irons. They are also used in filter cartridges for purification of drinking water,used in laundries, in brewing and soft drink manufacture for bottle washing, process water for boilers, andprocess water for industrial and chemical processes which require softened water e.g. textiles.
Suzhou X Chemical ion exchange resins are used in a variety of processes in the sugar refining industry, both beet and cane, such as Decalcification, Decolourisation, Demineralisation etc.
Ion exchange resins and adsorbent medias are often ideally suited for removal of specific contaminants and/or for polishing the effluent from other wastewater treatment processes. Suzhou X Chemical provides a large number of products for wastewater treatment including chelating resins, resins suitable for organic scavenging and resins for selected removal of specific contaminants, such as boron,XResinâ??s ion exchange resins are available in many container sizes, mesh sizes, and can be specially prepared to be pH buffered or in a specific ionic form, ready to use. Many of these products are also available with the WQA Gold Seal certification to the ANSI/NSF 61 standard for potable water
"Condensate Polishing is normally applied to the treatment of condensed steam from turbines operating in the power industry. It is a specialty application where ion exchange resins are used for removal of corrosion transport products as well as removal of trace ionic impurities. This requires the use of resins that have excellent filtration characteristics as well as ion exchange capacity, and that can withstand the high temperatures and flow rates encountered in condensate systems.
Polishing resins must also have low levels of both organic and ionic impurities such that they do not leach any objectionable contaminants into the treated water
Suzhou X Chemical offers a variety of coarse grade and uniform particle size resins specifically for condensate polishing, including highly crosslinked resins with excellent thermal stability. These resins are available in a variety of ionic forms such as ammonia and amine forms for cation resin and hydroxide form for anion resin, suitable for immediate use without preconditioning or regeneration.
Portable Exchange Deionization (PEDI) provides flexible configurations and rapid deployment of ion exchange systems without the need to handle potentially dangerous chemicals or to deal with acidic and basic regeneration wastewaters. Portable exchange can be used for selective removal of targeted contaminants as well as for bulk deionization and polishing the effluent from other treatment processes. Suzhou X Chemical manufactures a wide variety of mixed bed and separate component resins specifically for the portable exchange industry. They are available regenerated (ready to use) and in exhausted forms (suitable for long term storage). Ion exchange resins for portable exchange use are available in high purity and low TOC versions suitable for pharmaceutical and semi-conductor applications
Aquarium treatment includes conventional deionization and color indicator resins that are selective for specific contaminants such as silica, ammonia, phosphate, nitrate, etc. Suzhou X Chemical offers a large number of ion exchange resins and adsorbent medias suitable for use in the aquarium industry. All XResinâ??s products are suitable for aquarium use with very low levels of toxic leachables