Sucata de latas de aluminio (ubc scrap)Localiza£o: Santos - S£o Paulo
Latas de alumÂnio compactadas
Aceitamos pagamento por carta credit³ria nacional e internacional
MÂnimo de venda 26 toneladas.
Temos tamb©m: [ Tarugos/ Lingotes/ Sucata de Avi£o/ Fios/ Cabos/ Chaparia/ Retalhos/ Barras, rodas, Em alumÂnio
Vendemos diversas especifices de algoo do Brazil
dezessete os padrµes Âsicos universais, quais sejam: 11* 21* 31*
41* 51* 61* 71* 81* 13* 23* 33* 43* 53* 63* 34* 44* 54* e os
outros s�£o descritivos (12 22 32 42 52 62 24 25 e 35).
Os padr�µes 81* 82 83 84 85 o considerados abaixo do padr�£o.
Exemplos de interpretao da Tabela 1:
Good afternoon!
We are "Hyak Internacional", a company specialized in the sale of logs and lumber from Teca do Brasil.
We export logs, blocks and wood to the India, China, Singapura, Malaysia Taiwan, USA, Canada and Europe.
Teak Logs
â?¢ We can supply short logs, short Further and long logs.
â?¢ Varied Girths - 80 cm to 140 cm or 80 below is also possible.
â?¢ Timely delivery time. FOB prices placed at the Port of Santos-SP or CIF
Teak squares
â?¢ Teak squares with qualities A and B - in the following measures; 3X3 / 3x4 / 3x5 / 3x6 / 4x5 / 4x6
â?¢ Other measures are also possible through consultation
â?¢ Timely delivery time. FOB prices placed at the Port of Paranagu�¡-PR
Send your query, and visit our website for more information about the company