Micaceous Iron Oxide Powder is used for the manufacturing of cutting electrodes and has many distinct features like reflecting UV light, resistance of chemicals, long shelf life, high purity standards and an accurate composition and quality we have maintained since our inception.
MIO is used for manufacturing of electric welding rods and in arc welding industries, as well as in flux mixtures, structural protective coatings of varied types, paint primers, weather resistant paint, and the horizontal layering of MIO particles helps give strength to paint and protection against corrosive elements and UV light.
Aluminium Defence Equipment
Hematite Powder is a mineral, coloured black to steel. It is mined as a main of iron ore and used as a weighting agent in oil drilling. It is the mineral form of iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3). Fluids weighted with API Hematite Powder contain fewer solids by volume than, making higher mud fluids possible.
API Grade Hematite Powder is applicable in all types of drilling fluids, including freshwater, seawater and oil-base muds. It is used as a density increasing product, used as a weighting agent and in the paint industry. Hematite is also a harder mineral than Barite so it is more resistant to particle size degradation.
Ganesh’s Garnet Abrasive Sand is one of the most superior products to come from superior garnet-bearing sands in North & East India. Through a unique geological history of erosion and deposition, these river sands contain the highest quality of garnet found anywhere around the world, available in various grade sizes.
Garnet Sand has multiple industrial applications, such as sand blasting, for water jet cutting, in water filtration plants, as sandpaper for finishing bare wood and in the petrochemical industry. For water jet cutting, garnet extracted from hard rock is suitable since it is more angular in form, therefore more efficient in cutting.
Our Silica Sand is an optimum quality dust-free Silica Sand which is processed using the best grade of quartzite based silica rock. We use advanced formulation techniques into our own processing facilities in compliance with the highest set industry standards.
Silica Sand is used in the ceramic manufacturing industry, the glass manufacturing industry, in paper mills, in the chemical industry, in solvent plants, in Iron and Steel cutting units, in power plants and in F.B.C boiler based industries. It is also used in the manufacture of refractories and in stimulating oil production.