We Ultra Febtech pvt. ltd. company engaged in machinery manufacturing of size reduction, gradation & mixing equipments based at Ahmedabad (Gujarat - India) since 1990.
With reference to your valuable enquiry of flour mill Besan plant machinery; hereby we are pleased to introduce our Ultra Grinding Mill system, which is screen less. The system consists classifier where the fine particles of desired size are segregated. UGM mill working on Air friction base with a fan provided which cooled the material. UGM System designed with latest technology - controlled by synchronized control panel. UGM mill system designed as dust proof system to reduce the loss and clean the environment. it's a close circuit condition, so it required 2 - 3 Persons to operate. This system designed as cooled the material hence, no color changes / property changes in your material; UGM mill system grinds the material with desired mesh size, hence there is no screening system required separately and no any 2nd / 3rd quality output of material. We have established a note worthy status among the Ultra Grinding Mill Manufacturers in India. We bring for the clients Ultra Grinding mill of exceptional quality at cost-effective price.
We already supplied such UGM Mill system for Besan plant & running successfully till date. we are having a trial facility with demo system at our Ahmedabad based company; which will helps to suggest most suitable model from our range of products.
We Ultra Febtech Pvt. Ltd. pleased to introduce Ultra Grinding Mill (UGM Mill) system which is used to grind different spices like Turmeric, Chili, coriander etc. In our UGM Mill system Spice will be grinded in single cutting - with latest technology - controlled by synchronized control panel. UGM mill system designed as dust proof system to reduce the loss and clean the environment. it's a close circuit condition, so it required 2 - 3 Persons to operate. This system designed as cooled the material hence, no color changes / property changes in your material;
UGM mill system grinds the material with desired mesh size, hence there is no screening system required separately.
We already supplied the such systems for spices and running successfully till date. We are also having a trial base model of such UGM mill system at our Ahmedabad based company; we are pleased to welcome you for the site visit to see the manufacturing facilities & the UGM mill and other equipments which are under manufacturing stage at our workshop.
We Ultra Febtech - An ISO 9001:2008 Certified company engaged in manufucturing of CMC Plants to convey the material.
First cellulose react with caustic to form alkali cellulose then react with mono chloro acetic acid or it’s salt from sodium carboxy methyl cellulose. During the reaction of alkali cellulose with etherification agents and in the subsequent reactions, sodium chloride (common salt) is produced as a major by-product. This is washed out together with any other byproducts or, in the case of technical-grade NaCMC, left in the product. The dried cellulose ethers are then processed into granular or powder products and in some cases modified with other additives.
We Ultra Febtech - An ISO 9001:2008 Certified company engaged in manufucturing of Ultrafine Pulverizer to Grind the material.
A unique equipment to handle the mass that is most difficult to grind. It gives the desired fineness with a very high capacity and that too at lower power consumption. No special feeding systems such as screw conveyor or rotating valve is required. It pulls the material in, due to high suction of air and throws in high vertical discharge pipeline makes even drying possible with in the same equipment. Less maintenance makes the operation of grinder unstoppable. The equipment is available in vertically mounted or horizontally mounted on tough frame. Various capacities are available.
We Ultra Febtech - An ISO 9001:2008 Certified company engaged in manufucturing of Flaker to Grind the material.
Some process need only crushing of the material to meet either to requirement of coarse material or to feed smaller sized material to another grinder. Two hardened rolls rates towards each other. They are kept nearer to each other by means of either mechanical devices or with hydraulic system. This system helps to create the pressure on the rolls and makes the crushing possible. The larger particle of mass, cereals, pulses is pushed between the rolls uniformly spread and with continuous rate through a separate device. A dried feed mass gives material at the bottom with reduced size or if soaked cereals or pulses, give you the material in a flake form. Due to use of roll, Flakers also known as a roll crusher.