Dry matter content 90-92%
Ash content 0.5%
Diameter 6-8mm
Length 4*diameter,
Density 650 kg/m3,
Volume 1.54m3/tonne pellet,
Energy 4.7 kwh/kg pellet
Moisture content of 8%
Gcv 4, 700 kwh/tonne
800kg per pallet
Palm kernel shell ( pks ) specification :
Parameter unit result
Total moisture (arb) 15 – 20% (max 22% due to rain)
Ash content (adb) <3 – 5%
Total impurity (arb) < 3%
Total sulfur (adb) < 1%
Gross calorie value (arb) 4300 kcal/kg
Net calorie value (adb) 4000-4200 kcal/kg
As buyers requested