Brahma cattle were produced by cross-breeding the Kankrej cattle and Guzerat cattle. Brahmans are intelligent, inquisitive and shy. They are unusually thrifty, hardy and adaptable to a wide range of feed and climate. However, these characteristics also suggest careful, kind handling methods. Brahmans like affection and can become very docile. They quickly respond to handling they receive, good or bad. Well bred, wisely selected and properly treated Brahmans are as easily handled as other breeds
Brahman is one of the most popular breeds of cattle intended for meat processing and is widely used in the world. They are unusually thrifty, hardy and adaptable to a wide range of feed and climate. They are also good mothers and produce a very satisfactory milk flow
Brahmans are intermediate in size among beef breeds. Bulls will generally weigh from 726 to 998kg and cows from 445 to 637kg in average condition. The calves are small at birth, weighing 28 to 30 kg, but grow very rapidly and wean at weights comparable to other breeds
We specialize in Livestock and fowls breeding we are number in producing quality alive animals for dairy, beef and leather purpose. We are a world wide distributor of live Pregnant Holstein Heifers Cattle, Sheep, Cattle, Lambs, pigs , piglet , goats of all kinds.