Services: Government tenders, public tenders, private tenders, Indian tenders
Services: Marketing & distribution, tender business
Buyer: Deep freezer, suction mechine, lab items, spray mechine, all kind of mechenaries
Services: Tenders and institutional sales
Buyer: Peanut butter, jam, powder soup, powder drink, sugar beans and coffee creamer
Services: Represent manufacturers, suppliers in international tenders
Buyer: Diaphragm gas meters, pipe fittings, insulating joint, diesel generators inudustrial & marine type, feed pump motors, ball valves, gate valves, releif valves
Services: Tender notification from Afghanistan and worldwide.
Services: Represent foreign manufacturers / suppliers in international tenders in Bangladesh
Services: Liason agent and manufacturers representative for govt. Tenders and private companies
Services: Represent many Germans, Russian, chilies, Italian and Belgian companies to participate in Pakistani companies' tenders
Services: Liaison services on behalf of manufacturers, dealers and distributors relating to all kinds of commercial marketing needs, tender attending, preparation of competitive statment, appointment of dealership, payment