Supplier: Gems hospital information and management systems, gems enterprise pathology management systems, gems clinic management system, gems psychiatry, gems ophthalmology, gems gastroenterology
Services: Software application development, facility management, web application development, erp solutions, instrument interfaces
Services: Human resource management system, desktop document management system, warehousing management & logistic solution, shipment tracking application, supply chain management system, land bank application, asset management system, procurement management system, facilities management, project management and team collaboration tools, dealer management system, eos payment/ invoice tracker, institute management solution
Services: To provide outsourcing facilities in, export marketing and management, domestic marketing, quality control, standardization, management of enterprise laws, regulations, procedures and systems for running small & medium sized enterprises, sustaining their growth
Services: Dynamic, flexible and robust in development as well in change management, easy-to-use training-less environment, truly multi-tasking, multi-threading, multi-user intranet based application, comprehensive best-practice functionality, attachment facility leads any business to paperless concept, reporting tool for self-made reports, powerful analytical tool for self-made mis and graphical analysis, system generated self-made business alerts, throughout business traceability using tunnel view facility standard & best-practice modules, production planning and control, supply chain management, customer