Services: Custom clearing agent , dgft & cutoms-consultants, logistics services & all types of import licences like DEPB,VKUY,DFRC,DFIA
Services: Import licences
Services: Export & import consultancy services like sale/purchase of DEPB, VKGUY, FPS, FMS, verification and registration of all type of licenses, liaison work with DGFT, New Delhi, JDGFT Mumbai JDGFT Jaipur, preparation and issuance of EPB, VKGUY, EPCG, FMS, FPS, advance licences, DFIA, export house certificate
Services: Duty free import licence
Services: Dealers of import licences
Services: Negotiaors of duty free import licences
Services: All types of audit, patent, trademark, taxation, account outsourcing, import export consultation, company secretarial work
Services: Forigen trade consultants & import licences negotiators
Services: We provide DFIA licences for various products, these licences can be utilised for duty saving on the imports of products