Mica is a group of silicate minerals commonly used in various industries, including cosmetics and skincare products. Our high-quality, ethically sourced mica offers customizable grades and a radiant shimmer, perfect for enhancing cosmetics, skincare products, and industrial applications, making it an ideal choice for brands seeking both performance and sustainability.
We are engaged in offering a wide range of mica flakes, the purity of our products has placed us among the leading mica flakes manufacturers and suppliers in India. Our natural mica flakes is prepared by rotary hammer crushing machine and are primarily used in industries involved in manufacturing of pearlescent pigment, concrete block fillers, refractory bricks, asphalt roofing felts etc. Mica Flakes offered by us has a standard size between 2 to 8 meshes. "Special Request can be made."
Mica is a hydrated phyllosilicate mineral of aluminium and potassium with formula KAl(F, OH), or (KF) (AlO) (SiO). Muscovite can be cleaved into very thin transparent sheets that can substitute for glass, particularly for high-temperature applications such as industrial furnace or oven windows. It is also used in the manufacture of a wide variety of electronics and as a filler in paints, plastic, and wallboard. Our monthly supply of these mineral ranges from 1000-2000MT.
We are one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of mica powder, produced by grinding of mica flakes, well known for supplying exceptional quality Mica Powder that is made from pure Mica mineral procured from our own mica mines. The process of producing this powder is slow and costly because of the tough plate like crystal structure of mica. These are highly free from moisture and impurities and have quick response to action of light, heat, electricity, water and other chemicals. Mica Powder offered by us in sizes between 8 to 200 mesh. Special request can be made
mica flake mica powder transistor mica glass mica wrapper mica mica splittngs mica scrap phlogophite mica mica sheet mica capacitor