Cargo handling at the entry and exit points of a modern warehouse should be flexible and intelligent enough to adapt to differing chassis heights of cargo trucks. A critical ingredient of the docking area, dock levellers allow smooth movement of staff, and material handling vehicles in and out of docking vehicles of various dimensions to expedite loading and unloading of cargo in a warehouse, avoiding all bottlenecks and breakages in handling and ensuring complete safety. We manufacture and export dock levellers loading and unloading solutions
Refrigerator truck is the van truck equipped with refrigerator device which used for transporting the fresh and frozen goods, vegetables and fruits, milk goods and also vaccines, with which inside temperature could be optional of -5, 10, -16, -18.
The surface of van body could be made of fiberglass, aluminum or stainless steel.
The padding material with varieties of thickness is polyurethane foam that could preserve the temperature.
Our company supply Refrigerator Truck, which include HOWO Refrigerator Truck, 4 ton Refrigerator Truck, Cooling Van. Our products have high quality and competitive prices, please feel free to contact us.