Fluorite ore (CaF2) is widely used in industry and beyond. This chemical compound is mostly fit for the production of hydrogen fluoride, which is used for example in glass etching and yeast production.
It is also a valuable raw material used in the production filters and optical glasses,
anti-reflection coatings, cosmetics, (calcium) nitrogenous fertilisers used in agriculture,
dental preparations and varnishes. Fluorite is also a valuable material for the steel manufacturing industries.
With our double storage warehouses in Port Harcourt and Lagos we are positioned to supply 1000-3000MT of this product monthly.
we are looking for calcium fluoride buyer.
Fluorspar is the commercial name for the naturally occurring mineral fluorite, composed of calcium and fluorine (CaF2).
Fluorspar is the predominant commercial source for the chemical element fluorine.
Fluorine is a non-metallic element and the lightest of the halogens and therefore largely irreplaceable in its use.
There are two principal commercial grades of fluorspar: Metallurgical grade (60-96% CaF2) and acid grade (+97% CaF2).
we are looking for calcium fluoride buyer. Fluorspar is the commercial name for the naturally occurring mineral fluorite, composed of calcium and fluorine (CaF2). Fluorspar is the predominant commercial source for the chemical element fluorine. Fluorine is a non-metallic element and the lightest of the halogens and therefore largely irreplaceable in its use. There are two principal commercial grades of fluorspar: Metallurgical grade (60-96% CaF2) and acid grade (+97% CaF2).
Zircon, also known as zircon silicate (ZrSiO4), is found in ancient mineral sand deposits. In the form of crystal sands, zircon is typically brown, but could also vary from colourless to yellow-golden, pink and red to blue and green.
The majority of zircon sand is mined in the African continent particularly Nigeria. Current annual global production is in excess of one million tonnes. Almost half of the zircon produced globally is consumed by China, with other significant consuming regions including Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific and India.
With our robust warehouse in Lagos the Southern part of Nigeria we can export 1000MT of this product per month.
Zinc ore is most commonly found as zinc carbonate (ZnCO3), known as calamine or smithsonite. It generally occurs as rounded, crystalline crusts or granular, honeycombed masses that have a vitreous or pearly luster and are typically dirty brown or grey in colour.
Nigeria is richly blessed with large deposits of Zinc ore in Ebonyi and Benue state. We can export top quality of this product in 1000-1500MT every month.
Iron ore is a mineral substance which, when heated in the presence of a reductant, will yield metallic iron (Fe). It almost always consists of iron oxides, the primary forms of which are magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (Fe2O3). Iron ore is the source of primary iron for the world's iron and steel industries.
It is therefore essential for the production of steel, which in turn is essential to maintain a strong industrial base. Our monthly ability to export Iron Ore is of 2000-5000MT per month.
Nigeria is one of the Africa countries with abundant lead natural resources deposits and minerals. Lead is a metallic element primarily produced from the mineral, galena.
Most mineral ore contains lead with only about 3 of these minerals commercially viable, they are galena, cerussite, and anglesite and are mostly found in conjunction with other metals like zinc and silver. We have the capacity to supply more than 1000MT monthly.
Lepidolite is a lilac gray or rose-colored member of the mica group of minerals.
Lepidolite Lithium-ion batteries are used in mobile phones, computers, electronics, energy storage systems and electric vehicles. The forecast is that it will dominate the lithium market over the next decades. However we are blessed to have abundant of this hot selling mineral in Nigeria.
With our strategic partnership and robust warehouse in Lagos state and Rivers state we have the capacity to supply 1000MT of lepidolite monthly.