Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by bees primarily from the nectar of flowers. It's a viscous liquid with a golden to amber color, though its shade can vary depending on the floral source. Honey has been consumed by humans for thousands of years and is not only valued for its sweetness but also for its various health benefits and culinary uses.
The flavor profile of honey can also vary greatly, influenced by factors such as the types of flowers the bees collect nectar from and the region where it's produced. Some honey varieties have a mild, floral taste, while others can be more robust or even have hints of specific flavors like citrus, berries, or herbs.
In addition to its role as a natural sweetener, honey is also cherished for its potential health benefits. It contains
antioxidants and small amounts of vitamins and minerals, and it has been used in traditional medicine for its antibacterial and soothing properties. Honey is often used to alleviate sore throats, coughs, and minor wounds.
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LBeeHoney is a Lebanese producer of Honey.
LBeeHoney is 100% Natural, Pure, Raw;
Oak Honey. No additives. Lab tested at every harvest to guarantee purity.
Directly from the Hive to your Jar.
900 gr (31.75 oz)
Also available different types of Honey and different sizes of jars.