- Available in surgical steel, flexible acrylic, 316l steel, and anodized surgical steel. Also EO gas sterilized
- Decorated with crystals, UV, CZ stones and acrylic
- Assorted colors, sizes and styles (balls, cones, dices)
Finden Sie unsere Grosshandel Labret Piercings online:
- Erhaeltlich in Chirurgenstahl, flexiblem Acryl, eloxiertem 316l-Stahl sowie EO-Gas sterilisiert.
- Verziert mit Kristallen, UV oder CZ Steinen und Acryl
- Verschiedene Farben, Groessen und Formen (Kugeln, Schraubspitzen, Wuerfel) lieferbar.
Kaufen Sie jetzt in unserem Piercing Grosshandel Online Shop ein. Fuer weitere Informationen Besuchen Sie unsere Website: https://piercinggrosshandel.de/
- In PVD plated Titanium, Surgical Steel, Acrylic, Silicon, organic Stone and more.
- In Different sizes and designs.
- With Ferido-Glued Crystals and as PVD Plated and Double flared versions.
Buy now and enjoy premium quality wholesale body piercing
Provided with a mechanism that closes the septum piercing jewelry. One end of these clicker rings contains a hinge and the other end contains a snap that secures the hinge.
- These sterling silver septum clickers with a 16g (1.2mm) 316L steel clasp range in length from 6mm to 8mm and are decorated with small balls.
- Septum clickers come in a variety of unique designs.
We offer a large selection of piercing accessories and wholesale body jewelry
Wholesale horseshoe made of anodized titanium G23:
- Can be used for many types of piercings such as earlobe, tragus, septum, Prince Albert and more
- Available in different colors, sizes, styles and designs.
- Also known as Circular Barbells
We offer high quality body jewelry in bulk and ship worldwide.
For more piercing accessories and piercing jewelry
- Made of Titanium, Surgical Steel, Sterling Silver, Acrylic.
- Decorated with balls and screw tip.
- Also sold by the piece, in bulk and on display stands.
Visit our piercing online shop for high-quality wholesale body jewelry and accessories
- In various styles and finishes
- With a loose section or a section attached to the ring.
- As PVD-coated or anodized versions and in different thicknesses and diameters
- With left or right spring-shaped top and a plain bottom steel ball
- Made of 316L steel, high quality PVD coating, EO gas sterilized, titanium and more.
- In different sizes, styles and designs
High-quality wholesale body jewelry and accessories
Our eyebrow bananas are available in bulk body jewelry
- We have surgical steel, premium PVD plated, EO gas sterilized, Bioflex, and more. We also have anodized titanium G23 & surgical steel
- A huge selection of body piercing from length, styles, and designs
- Decorated with balls, cones, dice and dangling
Unsere Augenbrauen Bananen Piercings sind in Grossmengen erhaeltlich:
- Mit hochwertiger PVD-Beschichtung, EO-gas sterilisiert, aus Bioflex und aus eloxiertem Titan G23 & 316L Stahl. - In einer grossen Auswahl an verschiedenen Formen, Designs und Laengen.
- Verziert mit Kugeln, Schraubspitzen, Wuerfeln oder Anhaengern.
Fuer hochwertigen Grosshandel Schmuck und Piercing Zubehoer besuchen Sie unseren Piercing Online Shop https://piercinggrosshandel.de/
- Surgical steel, EO gas sterilized , acrylic, anodized and PVD plated surgical steel and more.
- Body piercing are available in different lengths and styles
- Decorated with crystals, acrylic, and jewels. Available in balls, cones or dices
Grosshandel Hufeisen Piercings sind erhaeltlich:
- In Chirurgenstahl, Acryl, eloxiertem und PVD-beschichtetem Chirurgenstahl, EO-Gas sterilisiert und weiteren Ausfuehrungen.
- In verschiedenen Laengen und Formen wie Kugeln, Schraubspitzen oder Wuerfeln.
- Mit Kristallen, Acryl und Juwelen verziert.
Wir bieten hochwertigen Koerperschmuck in Grossmengen an und liefern weltweit. Fuer mehr Piercing Zubehoer und Koerperschmuck besuchen Sie unsere Website: https://piercinggrosshandel.de/