1. Anti-tumor: cucumber contains cucurbitacin C has the role of improving the immune function, can achieve the purpose of anti-tumor. In addition, the substance can also treat chronic hepatitis
2. Anti-aging: old cucumber is rich in vitamin E, can play a longevity, anti-aging effect; cucumber in the cucumber enzyme, has a strong biological activity, can effectively promote the body's metabolism. Smear the skin with a cucumber Daozhi, with moisturizing effect, stretch the effect of wrinkles
3. Alcoholism: Cucumber contains alanine, arginine and glutamine on liver patients, especially in patients with alcohol cirrhosis have some adjuvant therapy, can prevent alcoholism
4. Hypoglycemic: cucumber contains glucoside, fructose and so do not participate in the usual sugar metabolism, so the diabetic cucumber instead of starchy food to eat, blood sugar will not increase, or even lower
5. weight loss strong body: cucumber contains propionic acid, can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. In addition, the cucumber in the promotion of human intestinal corrupt substances in the exclusion of drugs, as well as lower cholesterol have a certain role, can keep fit.
Export Quality Moringa seeds in PKM1 variety is regularly available for export. Can supply 10 MT per month with and without wings sortex cleand. Interested importers may please contact.