Services: Cargo system & custom brokerage services
Services: Customs brokerage, cargo handler services
Services: International air and ocean cargo, customs brokerage
Services: International freight forwarder / customs brokerage / delivery agent for personal effects (balikbayan boxes) / int'l & domestic removal / trucking services / import & export services / door-to-door services / consolidator / breakbulk agent / project cargo services/ container storage providers
Services: Shipping service, freight, cargo brokerage, air freight customs clearance, door delivery & ects.
Services: Shipping & cargo service, custom brokerage, steamship agents for air & ocean cargo
Buyer: Cement, rice, ladies undergarments
Services: Freight forwarding service, international logistics, air & ocean freight, import or export, customs brokerage, cargo insurance, armed transport custody, inland, consultant.
Services: Logistics, ship chartering, bunkering, special cargoes, shipping, rig support, and brokerage services
Services: Aws tomax offers international global logistics services in ocean freight, air freight, warehouse storage and inland transportation. It provides standard service in ocean fcl/lcl import/export shipments, airfreight import/export shipments, bulk & roll-roll import/export shipments, together with the integrated port-or-inland local services including customs brokerage, cargo insurance, quarantine, packaging, international & domestic cargo distributing, inland transportation and so on.