Organic garbanzo beans, commonly known as chickpeas, represent a nutritious and environmentally conscious choice offered by Viant Organics. Grown through organic farming practices, these legumes are cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Viant Organics' commitment to sustainable agriculture ensures that their organic garbanzo beans are grown with a focus on soil health, biodiversity, and ecological balance. Packed with protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, these chickpeas provide a wholesome addition to a plant-based diet.
Chickpeas are more round and firm than pinto or black beans. They are often drained and tossed into salads and used to make hummus. Want to eat them alone? Roasted chickpeas also make a tasty snack. Nutritional profil ½ cup (cooked, salted) 160 kcal, 10 g of protein, 2 g fat, 26 g carbohydrates, 5 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 80 mg of calcium, 310 mg potassium, 290 mg sodium.
Garbanzo beans / Chickpeas Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are part of the legume family. While they have become more popular recently, chickpeas have been grown in Middle Eastern countries for thousands of years. Their nutty taste and grainy texture pair well with several other foods and ingredients. As a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, chickpeas may offer a variety of health benefits, such as improving digestion, aiding weight management, and reducing the risk of several diseases. We offer a lot fo grades for Chickpeas regarding your needs feel free to contact us :
Kabuli Channa - Protein is essential for the human body to perform the most basic of tasks; we cannot function without it. One cup of cooked chickpeas equates to single serving of protein. As if that wasn't enough! Chickpeas are also a great source of folate, antioxidants, B group vitamins, calcium, phosphorous, zinc and magnesium.
Desi Chick peas of brown colour fresh crop in pp bags, price can be quoted on CNF any destination.
Chickpeas seeds are variable in size (5 to 10 mm in diameter), shape (spherical to angular), colour Black,
Known to be one of the world\'s largest producer of chickpeas, the chickpea exporter in India is exporting more and more chickpeas each year. There are broadly two varieties of chickpeas known as \"Kabuli\" and \"Desi\". Chickpea export from India includes both these varieties and many more. The Indian chickpea exporter export premium quality chickpeas from India. INGREDIENTS Nutrients Calories - 364 calories / 100grams Carbohydrates - 61g/100 grams Fiber - 17g/100grams Protein 1.3g Fat 0.1g Vitamin Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6 Minerals Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic acid CHICK PEA VARIETIES WE EXPORT Chickpea import from India involves many varieties of chickpeas including L550, JG315, Pusa 391 so on and so forth. The chickpea exporter in India exports most of these good-quality varieties. Due to the increasing popularity of chickpeas across the world, export of chickpea from India is on the rise. 1 L 550 The L 550 variety of chickpeas was released in the year 1978. The L 550 variety of chickpeas mature around 136-140 days after transplanting. These chickpeas have bold seeds and are salmon white in color. The average yield for this variety of chickpeas 17-20q/ha. 2 JG 315 The JG 315 variety of chickpeas was released in 1984. The JG 315 variety of chickpeas takes around 125-130 days to mature after transplanting. These chickpeas are wilt resistant and have brown and wrinkled seeds. This variety of chickpeas which we export have an average yield of about 19-20q/ha. 3 PUSA 391 This variety of chickpeas was released in the year 1997. The Pusa 391 variety takes about 110-120 days in order to mature after being transplanted. This variety of chickpeas can be characterized by bold and light brown seeds. The average yield for this variety of chickpeas is 17-18q/ha. 4 BGD 72 Release in 1999, the BGD 72 is another variety of chickpeas exported from India. This variety takes around 135-140 to mature after transplanting. The BGD 72 variety is resistant to wilt and root rot and is known to be bold seeded. The average yield of this variety is 25-30q/ha. 5 GUJARAT GRAM 1 The Gujarat Gram 1 was released in 1999. The time take for maturing for this variety of chickpeas is around 105-110 days. These chickpeas are generally resistant to wilt. The average yield of this variety of chickpeas is 17-22q/ha. 6 ICCC 32 The ICCC 32 is another variety of chickpeas we export from India. Released in 1985, these chickpeas take around 130-150 days to mature after transplanting. The size of the seed of ICCC 32 is medium. This variety is usually resistant to wilt and the average yield is 18-20q/ha. 7 KAK 2 The KAK 2 variety of chickpeas was released in the year 2000. This variety of chickpeas exported from India takes about 125-130 days to mature after transplanting. The KAK 2 variety is generally bold-seeded and has an average yield of around 17-18q/ha. 8 UDAY (KPG 59) Released in the year 1992, Uday or KPG 59 is another variety of chickpeas exported from India. KPG 59 takes around 130-140 days to mature after transplanting. This variety can be characterized by late sowing. The average variety of this variety of chickpeas is 18-20q/ha. 9 GNG 663 (VARDAN) The GNG 63 was released in the year 1995. This variety is also known as Vardan. The time take for maturing by this variety of chickpeas is around 150-155 days. Resistant to wilt, this variety is also tolerant of Ascochyta blight and the average yield of this variety is 22-25q/ha. 10 KARNA CHANA (CSG 8962) The Karna Chana was released in the year 1997. Also, known as CSG 8962, this variety takes 140-147 days to mature after transplanting. This variety is said to be good for salt-affected areas. The average yield of this variety of chickpeas is 22-25q/ha.
Chickpeas Common names: Chickpea, Chickpeas, Chickpeas seed, Chickpeas beans, Chickpeas bean, Hummus beans, Hommos beans, Chickpea Hummus, White bean Hummus, Chickpea plant. Family: Fabaceae Botanical name: Cicer arietinum Origin: Egypt Size: 4-12mm Packing: 25 kg bags Cultivation: Common HS Code: 07132000 The chickpea or chick pea (Cicer arietinum) is an annual legume of the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae, Its different types are variously known as gram, Bengal gram, garbanzo or garbanzo bean, or Egyptian pea. Chickpea seeds are high in protein. It is one of the earliest cultivated legumes, and 9500-year-old remains have been found in the Middle East. The chickpea is a key ingredient in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines, used in hummus, and, when ground into flour, falafel. Chickpeas History use & the Ancient Egyptians: 1) Using in diuresis and menstruation. 2) Laxative and purified for blood 3) Using in the treatment of the liver and kidney helps to lighten the pores. 4) Useful for the treatment of abscesses and sores if used with white honey. 5) Help to ripen meat and earn food flavor. 6) Used as a clutch medicine. 7) Help in cases of indigestion, exhaustion, and constipation. 8) Its roots are used to treat bile disease. 9) The seeds are added after baking into milk and used against lung diseases in case of cold.
Chickpeas are also high on trace minerals like manganese which is an important part of many energy producing enzymes. Iron also helps in improving the hemoglobin level, thereby improving the flow of blood to the heart. The various benefits arising out of the consumption of chickpeas are: as chickpea are rich in dietary fibers, both soluble and insoluble, they help a lot in reducing the level of cholesterol and also in preventing the blood sugar level from rising too much immediately after having a meal.