Quick Information: Brand Name: BIT CAP Place of Origin: China Model Number : CN3 Description: Serie CN3 specified for charing point. Designed for power supply,low voltage inverter Standard products,85; 3000hours Temperature range:(16V~100V)-40~+85 (160V~500V)-25~+85 Voltage range:16~500 Capacitance range:100~56000 @20;,120Hz Capacitance tolerance:¡§¡è20% Leakage current:¡§10.01CV or 1.5mA,whichever is the smaller,5 minutes test@20; Maxinum DF:0.15 @20;,120Hz Temperature characteristics:C(-25;)/C(+20;)Y0.6 Insulating resistance:The value measured by applying DC 500V insulation resistance tester between all terminals and snap ring with insulating sleeveY100M| nsulating Voltage:Apply AC 2000V between all terminals and snap ring with insulating sleeve for 1 minute and no abnormality appears. Durability:Apply rated ripple current on capacitor with voltage not more than rated voltage under85; environment and apply rated voltage for 3000hours,then recover to 20; environment and the test results should satisfy the requirements as below. Capacitance change rate (1initial value20% DF(tg|1200%of initial specification value Leakage current1initial specification value High-temperature zero load characteristics:Capacitor kept in 85; environment for 1000hours,then tested in 20; environment and the test result should satisfy the requirements as below.