Services: Transport service from China to Central Asia(cis)
Services: Cargo transportation in cis countries and the European union, cargo transportation by sea from ports in European and Asia
Services: Transportation route vietnam - cis by railway
Services: Transportation
Services: Transportation to destinations around East & Central Africa
Buyer: Automotive spare parts new & used
Services: International ocean, air freight, and express services, ocean-rail transportation in central-Asia, inland haulage, cargo insurance, warehousing & added services (repacking, labeling), import & export declaration, custom clearance and related documents services., international exhibition related services, domestic and international products promotion agency, imp. & exp. agency (tax refund, documents), express import from Hong Kong to Mainland, imp. /exp. from/to Vietnam
Supplier: Euro pallets, timber from spruce and pine
Services: We can deal with the transportations to any point of europe and asia and saudi arabia
Services: Internation transport to and from Eastern and Central Europe including all ex-Soviet states
Services: We focus on international railway transportation and we provide import and export service for wagons and containers to kazakhstan, turkmenistan, kyrghyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, russia, mongolia, ukraine, azerbaijan, armenia, north korea, vietnam and the cis countries, apart from this, we can also provide one-stop logistics service