Services: Hotel services
Services: Rooms, hotels service
Services: Hospitality service - hotel owner
Services: Travel agency provides taxi services, package tours, air ticket booking, hotel booking services
Services: Developing apartments, resorts & condos, providing hotel management services and importer of doors, furnitures and sanitary fittings.
Services: Hospitality services, hotels in delhi by star rating, resorts booking for delhi, guest house reservation, event management companies for exhibitions, service apartment
Supplier: Water bottles, water cans
Services: Civil constructions, buildings, hotel management, catering, security services, hospitality services, pollution controlling services, horticulture maintenance, house keeping services , technical management, services, manpower services
Services: Airport-hotel transfer, hourly disposal, inbound-outbound transfer, sightseeing tour, business conventions, weddings, we also provide services for air ticketing, hotel bookings
Services: Home is the warm harbor of life, home is just a remote hope for many travellers, they have to find lodges like expensive hotels or noisy inns,
The rise of "home hotel" has broken through the tradition of travel services and provided a new option for travellers. Homtel international provides a bridge of communication both for family hotel owners and travellers