Supplier: Fire alarm equipments, fire fighting equipments
Services: Security systems, safety systems
Services: Personal security for both lone workers and consumers
Supplier: Security and communication products
Services: Jnt systems ab providing all sort of security solutions from fire security to ingerated communication services.
Supplier: Telecom security equipment
Services: Sim cards checker for mobile operators
Supplier: Security system
Services: Security system
Buyer: Chips, resistors, capacitors, IC
Supplier: Advanced security systems
Services: Security systems based on broadband internet access
Supplier: Security and fire alarm systems, voltage regulators, UPS
Services: Security and safety consulting, refrigeration and air conditioning consulting for large projects
Buyer: Power supplies (SMPS)
Supplier: Locks, security alarms, intercoms, access control, gate operators, safes, safety products, keys, auto security
Services: Installation and maintanance of all locks, security and safety prpoducts
Buyer: Locks, security alarms, intercoms, access control, gate operators, safes, safety products, keys, auto security.
Supplier: Emergency medical equipment for ambulance, rescue, first aid
Services: Law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, emt, airway management, patient handling, resuscitation, education and training