Our company is located in Gdynia Poland near two biggest ports of Poland - Gdansk and Gdynia.We derives from building business. We have already realised several big building projects on local teritory.Due to dynamics in the development of our company we decided to expand into new areas, particularly in wholesale of building products with special accent on export. Due to our immense orders for cement,concerecte and adhesives for building used in our projects we are able to offer to our buyers competitive prices, which also improves our position on local market.We sell also Power and control cables and conductors for general use in buildings with a specified fire resistance class as per EN 50575: 2014 / A1: 2016 Majority of construction materials products sold by our company are produced in Poland with highest standarts and answering actual demands of the market in particular areas.In our offer you will find: PORTLAND-SLAG CEMENT CEM II/B-V 32,5 N-LH/HSR/NA PORTLAND CEMENT CEM I 32,5 R PORTLAND-SLAG CEMENT CEM II/A-V 42,5 R PORTLAND CEMENT CEM I 42.5 R PORTLAND CEMENT CEM I 52.5 R-NA With all team of professional sales agents, logistics and speditors we are ready to cooperate with potential buyers all over the world.