Opening machine 400 Opening machine 500 Application and features: Gm400 / gm500 / gm550 / gm600 series opening machine synthesizeskinds of processing machinery characteristics and advanced experience of design and manufacture. It was identified that the machine basically reached the high quality, low consumption requirements, and have model compact, easy operation, safety . This machine is a high-speed operation licker centrifugal force generated to exclude the mechanical cotton material impurities and tear loose. The machine is processing old quilt, scrap yarn, cloth angle, ideal for linen and other items. Note: there are two types of gm600 opening machine:gm600 iron opening and gm600 wooden opening. Eachtypehave their own characteristics, the gm600 wooden opening with light weight, and the gm600 iron opening machines using life is much longer than the wooden opening machine.