Typical chemical composition of aisi a2 tool steel C Mn Cr Ni Mo V 1.00% 1.0% 5.00% 0.30% 1.0% 0.15-0.5% Tempering a2 tool steel Tempering â°c 150 200 250 300 350 400 Hrc 62/61 61/60 60/59 59/58 58/57 58/57 Aisi a2 equivalent grades: bs4659 - ba2, aisi - a2, din - 1.2363 - x100crmov5 Physical properties Density: 0.284 lb/in3 (7861 kg/m3) Specific gravity: 7.86 Modulus of elasticity: 30 x 106 psi (207gpa) (207 gpa w/m/â°k) Machinability: 70% of a 1% carbon steel -