Incoloy 800,Incoloy 800H , and Incoloy 800HT are nickel-iron-chromium super alloys. When exposed to high-temperature these alloys not only provide excellent resistance to oxidation and carburization but also good strength too. These nickel steel alloys are similar except for the higher level of carbon in Incoloy 800H, and the addition of up to 1.20 percent titanium and aluminum in Incoloy 800HT. Chemical Composition Incoloy800 800H 800HT Ni30-3530-3530-35 Fe39.5 min39.5 min39.5 min Cr19-2319-2319-23 Cu0.75 max0.75 max0.75 max Ti0.15-0.600.15-0.600.25-0.60 Al0.15-0.60 0.15-0.600.85-1.20 C0.1 max 0.05-0.10.06-0.1 Mn1.5 max1.5 max1.5 max S0.015 max0.015 max0.015 max Si1.0 max1.0 max1.0 max