Water based graphite suspension release agent/lubricant/coating is manufactured by supervac industries (new delhi, india) under the brand name- graphinoxtm. It has excellent adhesion to the substrate and can be cleaned off easily with a wet cloth. Shipped worldwide. For more details please visit: - http://supervacoils.Com/graphite-suspensionpaint-sv-gs/ 1. Water based suspension containing ultra-fine graphite particles 2. Forms a smooth, even film 3. Outstanding release and lubricating properties 4. Electrically conductive 5. Thermally insulating 6. Excellent adhesion to the substrate 7. High surface coverage 8. Excellent impregnant for porous surfaces like ceramic, cloth, paper and sintered metal parts owing to ultra-fine particles of graphite 9. Abrasion resistant 10. High temperature stability 11. Non-flammable 12. Non-hazardous