TAR residue is a by product material from producing of Bisphenol A , Tar Residue Tar residue is a by-product material from producing of Bisphenol-A , with following details: 1. Physical appearance: shiny black solid pieces on solidification. 2. Nature: highly brittle and softens at about 110 deg centigrade. 3. Average Density: 1200 kg/m3 (molten state) 4. Average molecular weight: 261 5. Composition: contains mainly heavy molecular weight products, Bisphenol-A content being about 1 wt% average. The detail average composition is as follows: • Phenol : 2.9922 wt% • PRF : 0.0356 wt% • TMC : 0.6244 wt% • TMI : 3.1845 wt% • M210 : 0.1111 wt% • M198 : 0.2278 wt% • o,p-BPA : 1.4102 wt% • codimer : 42.1097 wt% • p,p-BPA : 1.4102 wt% • Cyclodimer : 29.7875 wt% • Rest being : Unknown Compounds 200 KG DRUM