Thickness: 1.2cm-2.5cm Hole shape: tortoise Excellency: hexagon big mud claw tortoise shell mesh reinforces effectively Anchor ability and interlink strength with liner material. It can prevent the layer break from anti-heat and heat preservation, thus enhancing the unite strength of liner. Materials: a general carbon steel, a3, ocr13, 1cr13, 0cr18ni9, 1cr18ni9ti , cr25ni20 sus304 sus316etc, . Features of hex metal: protecting refractory materials , corrosion and abrasion resistance, high temperature stability. Application: As refractories, hex steel mesh has flexibility, high strength and erosion resistant characteristics. Hex steel mesh is an excellent choice of refractory linings in furnaces, reactors, cyclones, ducts and flues. It is mainly used in power plant, cement plant, steel, petroleum, chemical industry, power generation and other large devices. The hex metal can largely improve the heat erosion and abrasion resistance. Hex mesh used for floors, hex mesh provides long term protection for armor applications in industrial floors. Specifically: loading docks, ramps, high traffic aisles for forklifts and trucks, hot floors for foundry, forge and steel mills, refuse disposal plant floors and almost anywhere floors are subject to severe impact and rolling loads will benefit with hex mesh. Since hex metal's flexibility allows it to be rolled, it easily conforms to circular shapes. It is ideal for lining ducts, furnaces, reactor vessels, cyclones, flue gas lines and other high temperature equipment of virtually any shape or configuration. Hex metal and flex metal refractory linings are both flexible, mesh grating used in reinforcing linings, floors and any cement structures needing added support. Metal hex grid