This timber crane arm is outward folding structure, installed on all kinds of single model for timber and log transport vehicles. The crane has simple structure, small size, large torque, high strength, and strong operating performance. It can achieve the purpose of quick loading and unloading timber. Hydraulic grabs and other components can use imported configuration. New products series also developed a remote control and industrial wireless control for optional, which improves the safety of personnel. Main technical specifications Max lifting moment m8 +min operating amplitude mm3000 +max operating amplitude mm7600 +max lifting height mm13.650 Rotation range 400 Amplitude range -23~80 Max rated lifting capacity kg 2500 Installation space m1.5 Max pressure of hydraulic system mpa31.5 Max oil flow of hydraulic systeml/min 80~110 Recommend power needed at recommend oil flow kw37 Weight (no grab)kg 1830