DATA SHEET Name of the product : kaolin.B0 Quality : Chemical analysis , % AL2O3 32.0ÿ36.0 SiO2 49.0ÿ53.0 Fe2O3 0.55ÿ0.90 TiO2 0.18ÿ0.30 CaO 0.10ÿ0.20 MgO 0.20ÿ0.30 K2O 0.80ÿ1.30 Na2O 0.05ÿ0.20 Loss of ignition 11.0: 13.0 2. particle size distribution 0.0ÿ0.05 above 56 micron max 5.0 above 10 micron 84.0ÿ90.0 under 5 micron 64.0ÿ72.0 under 2 micron max 14.00 3.moisture % The tested goods are free of radioactive contamination and can be used without any restriction /IEC 1452/. In packs for 25 kg