It is a breakthrough and powerful diagnostic system for use by doctors and hospitals. It offers early and multiple disease detection capabilities, reducing diagnoses procedures to a minimum. Due to the complexity of our body systems, diagnosing internal disorders can be difficult. So physicians often refer patients for a series of further tests before drawing final conclusions. Medex testÖ is presently in use in: Primary and outpatient care / services Emergency wards Cardiology Oncology Hospital departments of internal medicine Gastroenterology DoctorÆs practices Occupational and medical insurance groups What is Medex testÖ? The governing principle behind this new technology is based on information from special zones on the body called dvzÆs (dermatome- visceral zones). Measurements taken from the hands and feet are expressions of the skinÆs electrical conductivity and resistance, and reflect changes in normal organ function. It is principally designed to detect early cancers and tumors of the colon, liver, stomach and most other organs. 6kg