These bags are much durable than plastic bags and last hundreds of times longer than traditional shopping bags. They can carry heavier loads than plastic bags and are less likely to be damaged, torn, punched broken, unlike plastics bags. It is easy to print anything on non-woven shopping bags and hence, brands find it ideal for advertising through their shopping bags. Enterprises often use vivid patterns, colors and expression for advertising their brand through non-woven shopping bags. It is easy to use various printing techniques like silk screen printing and OPP lamination to print a high-quality design and spread your marketing message. Non-woven bags are easily customizable. Whether you need to promote your event or brand, they can be made unique as per your needs. Non-woven shopping bags are environment friendly as they are 100% recyclable and bio-degradable. Non-woven bag material burns without emitting any toxic contaminant. Also, non-woven bags are made without using any PVC coating or water coating. These bags are light in weight, so it is easy to carry everywhere. They can be used to carry multiple things and are often used as reusable Shopping bags, tote bags, Drawstring gift bags, Hand bags with zippers or Velcro, Garment bags, Wine bag, thermal bags and food bags. Also, as non-woven bags are made in various patterns, colors and styles, they also reflect a fashion statement.