These bags are intended to store and transport pediatric and infant resuscitators, which are used in emergency medical situations to provide manual ventilation to young patients who are not breathing adequately or need assistance with breathing. Just like adult resuscitator storage bags, those for children and infants are typically constructed from durable materials such as nylon or polyester to provide protection against damage and contamination. Pediatric and infant resuscitator storage bags are smaller in size compared to those for adults to accommodate the smaller-sized resuscitation equipment used for children and infants. These bags may include compartments, pockets, or internal dividers to help organize the paediatric and infant resuscitator equipment and keep it readily accessible during emergencies. storage bags for pediatric and infant resuscitators provide a convenient and organized way to store and transport essential equipment for paediatric and infant resuscitation, ensuring that healthcare providers can quickly respond to medical emergencies involving young patients.