Agar binder is our modified starch based product. This agarbinder is based on special formulation which best suits in the manufacturing of raw battis, dhoopbattis. It enhances the burning time and fragrance of these products. Agar binder provides uniform and stable viscosity for agarbatti compound. Creamy color fine free flowing powder and swell in cold water. USES and APPLICATIONS: 1) Agarbinder contains high strength to holding a wooden stick. 2) Agarbinder gives strong binding because of its stable viscosity while mixing with agarbatti, Dhoops 3) Our product binds agarbatti raw materials with even burning capacity. 4) Also enhance the fragrance and burning time of agarbatti, dhoops. 5) Agarbinder is completely Eco-friendly and non-allergic. 6) During burning is spreading non harmful smoke.