Memory Foam Mattress The basic material of viscoelastic foam is a material for making seats for astronauts who want to go to outer space, because it can reduce the pressure of such a large gravitational force. However, recently, this material was later developed into a mattress base material because it was deemed suitable for the body's need for a place to rest. Elastic Even this mattress can follow the user's body shape when used to sleep. The surface can also quickly return to its original shape if it is not used. Durable Memory foam has a good level of durability, it can even last for several years of use with the same quality. Mushroom free The basic material for memory foam is one of the materials that is known to be mold-free. So it is ensured safe for your health and family. Not easy to shake The basic material is solid, so it won't sway easily when other people are moving. So you will sleep more peacefully. Good for health The elasticity of this type of mattress makes it widely recommended by doctors to be used for someone who has problems with the spine.