Having botanical name Piper cubeba, Cubeb Oil offered has its origin in Indonesia and is a yellow to greenish colored liquid with spicy, peppery odor. Being insoluble in water, it comes with a Refractive Index of 1,492 - 1,502 (20 C). With the oil extracted using steam distillation process, the oil is useful in meeting treatment demands of infections and inflammation. The oil has a peppery scent and has a mild stimulating effect. Also known by the common names of Tailed pepper, it blends well with Ylang Ylang with chemical constituents including-elemene (9.4%), sabinene (9.1%), caryophyllene (3.1%), cubebol (5.6%), epi-cubebol (4.3%) and others. The oil is used in massages for relieving stress as well as muscular aches and is very effective in treatment of urinary tract infection, leucorrhoea, and other infections.