Fenugreek is a slender annual herb of the pea family (Fabaceae). Its seeds are used as, spice and leaves as herbs. The seeds are hard, yellowish brown and angular. Some are, oblong, some rhombic, other virtually cubic, with a side of about 3mm (1/8").They, are available whole and dried, or as a dull yellow powder, ground from the roasted, seeds. They have a warm and penetrating aroma, which becomes more pronounced, when roasted., In India it is cultivated extensively in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar, Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab. Types and specifications for fenugreek seeds : Type, Purity, Colour, Moisture, Green Seeds Machine Clean Sortexed, 99% Bold Quality, 99%, 98%, Caramel to light yellow, 5% to 7% Max, 2% Max FAQ Quality, 98%, 97%