Cat No : A28523. TaqPath 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix (No ROX) is a fast, single-tube, 4X RT-qPCR mix that provides for sensitive, reproducible detection of up to four different RNA/DNA targets in a single multiplex reaction. Particularly useful for diagnostics, virus detection, and high throughput gene expression workflows, the mix includes thermostable MMLV reverse transcriptase, dNTPs, UNG, and thermostable Fast DNA polymerase all in a single tube. TaqPath is manufactured under a strong ISO13485 quality management system and is designed to produce consistent product performance lot after lot. This single-tube, 4X format facilitates easy reaction set upâ??just add user-supplied assay and sample (Figure 1). With reproducible performance even in the presence of inhibitors, coupled with stringent quality control to minimize lot-to-lot variation, TaqPath 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix (No ROX) is a superior choice for your multiplex diagnostic testing or development needs. High sensitivity To enable reproducible detection of low-titer pathogen and transcripts, TaqPath 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix (No ROX) has been optimized as a higher-concentration 4X master mix that allows you to input more sample into each reaction, increasing sensitivity even in low-volume reactions. Figure 1 shows the consistency of results obtained when detecting 10 copy inputs of RNA target.