This pricing is for volumes 1M -10M OTG USA 27.50 all in. 50% available to you. SOP 1. NCNDA 2. LOI, KYC, AML, ICPO 3. Seller reviews the product and issues a FCO of the product. Buyer signs the FCO and sends a copy to the Seller. 4. A draft of the Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) is issued by the Seller for the Buyers confirmation and endorsement. Upon request the Seller's attorney will issue LOA for the product. 5. IMFPA. Buyer will deposit 2% of the total amount into Seller's verifiable Attorney trust account. 6. SGS inspections, packing list, AWB/BL shall be made available by Seller to the Buyer within 48 to 72 hours with an invitation for a soft inspection at the Seller's warehouse. Certifications, Authorizations and other documents will be provided to the Buyer for vetting. 7. Confirmation of all the documents and onsite inspections and release full funds to the Seller's Attorney trust account. Buyer takes possession of the goods in Seller's warehouses or shipment to final destination.