CE Approved Singclean COVID-19Test Kit (Colloidal Gold Method) is a solid phase immunochromatographic assay for the rapid,qualitative detection of antigen from COVID-19 in human nasal swab specimen.This test provides only a preliminarytest result. Therefore, any reactive specimen with the COVID-19 Test Kit (Colloidal Gold Method) must be confimed with alternative testing method(s) and clinical findings. This rapid antigen test kit is the second test kit developed by Singclean Medical for COVID-19 testing on the basis of Colloidal Gold Method after Singclean COVID-19 lgG/IgM Test Kit, an antibody test, was launched globally in March. Advantage Results ready in 15 minutes Accurate diagnostic tool for active infection Easy to administer and read results Affordable, no need for instrument, highly portable Enable testing on a massive scale For healthcare workers use only Sensitivity 98.56% Sensitivity 99.03% Accuracy 98.84% Warnings 1. This test is not for at home testing, and should only be operated by healthcare workers. 2. Optimal assay performance requires strict adherence to the assay procedure described in this insert sheet. Inadequate or inappropriate sample collection, storage, and transport may cause false test results.