Wellstim is a complete pain and stress solution that operates on multiple levels. It is a combination of electro-therapy, ultrasound and CES (cranial electrical stimulation) modalities that can treat multiple patients simultaneously. It can provide four pole and two pole interferential treatments as well as a wide range of other electrical stimulation waveforms. Therapeutic voltage and current waveforms can be applied to a wide range of conditions in pain relief for acute and sub-acute traumatic and inflammatory conditions, edema, chronic rheumatoid, arthritic and bone metastasis pains. -2 Channel Electrotherapy modalities and Combo of ultrasound and electrotherapy -Full-colour, 8 LCD touch screen displays in sharp, vivid detail -A comprehensive reference library of treatments and electrode placement -1 year warranty (repairable) on device and Ultrasound applicator -CES Therapy for treatment of Stress, Insomnia and Anxiety Treatment Start / Stop and pause switch in the Ultrasound Applicator Different treatment parameters can be saved for different patients SD Curve for interdependence between stimulus strength and the time