The central trough of the scraper is mainly used as a channel for transporting coal. Usually a section of the middle groove is composed of two 1.5 meters long groove steel and two middle plates. After the two middle plates are welded to the groove steel, the upper and lower layers are formed, in which the scraper chain runs. The state has clear standards for the steel used to weld the groove top steel of the middle slot, while the middle plate is selected in accordance with the actual application, with ordinary 45 steel, 16 manganese, or other materials, and in order to increase the wear resistance, you can add welding wear strip above. Henan Shuanzhi machinery specializes in the production of all kinds of scraper slot, transfer machine slot, such as skylight slot, middle slot, aqueduct, cable slot, left and right deflector slot, convex slot, groove, etc., welcome new and old customers to consult and order! Henan Shuangzhi production chute, scraper and other easy wear parts, sprocket components new and repair, structural parts. Welcome new and old customers to consult the factory.