N-95 masks are one of the most in-demand masks right now because of the high resistance and protection they provide. N-95 masks are nothing but masks with a 95% resistance to any non-oil based small particles and micro-particles. Respiratory viruses, like the Coronavirus, mainly target the upper and lower respiratory tracts. The only way of preventing human infection is to protect the airway to stop any airborne/particulate matter generated by droplets/aerosols from reaching these tracts. When this airway is blocked, it prevents contamination of mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, keeping them safe from infective droplets or contact with a contaminated hand, etc. Therefore, it is vital to undertake precautions. Using masks is crucial while dealing with a suspect or confirmed case of COVID-19 and performing aerosol generating procedures. After rigorous research and testing, Insights Techhub has resourced some of the best health care equipment necessary to fight the pandemic. One of our N-95 masks includes the Steelbird N-95 Mask/Respirator. With an experience of over 55 years, Steelbird Filters has decided to us their expertise by manufacturing masks and respirators. Insights Techhub has joined them in this fight. It is apparent day by day that surgical masks are not as effective as N-95 masks when it comes to protection. Surgical masks provide coverage of the mouth and the nose â?? when worn properly, they effectively block large-particle droplets, splashes that may contain viruses and bacteria. But when it comes to doctors, nurses and lab personnel who deal with positive/suspected cases, work in close quarters, are personally involved in aerosol generation and other testing procedures a surgical mask is not equipped to block small or micro-particles that get transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. The SB-N95 mask exceeds the filtration capacity of medical grade Surgical Facemasks. Vouching for efficiency, Steelbird SB-N95 respirators are layered to protect, they comprise of 4 powerful layers