Product Description Cajuput oil is a volatile oil obtained by distillation from the leaves of the myrtaceous trees Melaleuca leucadendra, Melaleuca cajuputi, and probably other Melaleuca species. Our produced Oil comes from the trees found throughout Java and Ambon Islands of Indonesia. The majority of the oil is produced on the Indonesian island of Java and Sulawesi. The name cajeput is derived from its Indonesian name, kayu putih or "white wood".This oil is extremely pungent, and has the odor of a mixture of turpentine and camphor. It consists mainly of cineol. It is frequently employed externally as a counterirritant. It is an ingredient in some liniments for sore muscles such as Tiger Balm (Singaporean Brand) and Indonesian traditional medicine called Minyak Telon. It is also used as an ingredient in inhalants/decongestants and topical pain/inflammation remedies such as Olbas Oil. Cajeput is used for the treatment of bacterial or fungal infections in fish. Common brand names containing Cajeput are Melafix and Bettafix. Melafix is a stronger concentration and Bettafix is a lower concentration that makes it harder to overdose smaller fish, especially bettas. It is most commonly used to promote fin and tissue regrowth, but is also effective in treating other conditions, such as fin rot or velvet. The remedy is used mostly on betta fish. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 21-25/kg Product origin : Indonesia Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing 25 kg jerrycan and 200 kg plastic drum. Minimum Order 25 kg jerrycan