Sanitizer available in BULK. We are manufacturer of Sanitizer. Our Sanitizer Specially Formulated & Approved by DCD. Department of Molecular and Medical Virology, Germany have concluded that, antimicrobial Hand Sanitiser to be effective on SARS-CoV-2, the formulation must have 80% vol / vol Ethyl alcohol & 0.125% hydrogen peroxide. ( Our Specially Formulated Sanitizer Contains: Ethyl Alcohol IP - 83.3% v.v Hydrogen Peroxide - 0.125% v/v Glycerin IP - 1.45% v/v Excipients - QS Excipients include - Tea Tree Oil, Neem & Ginger Extract, Pelpermint, Vitamin E, Aloevera. Our specially formated Sanitizer is a POTENTIATED antimicrobial approach and is in line with the German & Switzerland research conclusions. Sanitizer contains 83.3% vol / vol Ethyl alcohol & 0.125% hydrogen peroxide. Sanitizer Kills 99.99% of microbial strains & Sanitizes & Disinfects INSTANTLY. The W.H.O formula has been further POTENTIATED with additional natural antimicrobials, antioxidants & Moisturisers like Tea Tree oil, Neem & Ginger Extract, Peppermint oil, Vitamin E & Aloe. This POTENTIATION, synergises & helps eliminate viruses, fungi, gram-positive & gram-negative bacteria, yeasts, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and mould spores almost INSTANTLY. Our Sanitizer is Non sticky Solution, pleasant on hands. Skin friendly pH protects & preserves delicate hydrolipid layer and keeps skin from drying out. Sanitizer has been formulated by qualified and experienced pharma researchers. Products manufactured at our state of the art facility are sold across India & exported to various countries in Europe, USA & Asia. Sanitizer was exported to USA prior to the ongoing export restriction of Sanitizer.