Pure chicken powder with good taste and flavor is a solid seasoning made by using high quality broiler chickens as raw materials and using modern biological engineering technology through high temperature and pressure cooking, grinding, extraction and spray drying.This product is extracted by pure natural process without enzymatic hydrolysis and thermal reaction, and can effectively retain the flavor, taste and nutrition of the natural chicken gravy. Product features: (1) 100% natural without any flavoring, refreshing or flavoring ingredients. (2) provide natural pure chicken, chicken fat, taste and flavor, increase the sense of dense and osmotic, and rich in the raw material of chicken Nutrition, fresh chicken mellow, original essence.Its odour characteristic is: light, mellow, long water boiled chicken flavor, clear chicken stock flavor. (3) especially meet the demand of "hot pot" chicken essence with long cooking conditions. (4) the total nitrogen and other nitrogen content of pure chicken powder in original taste is high, which reaches the international product standard. product model The master index total azote Total Nitroge protein fat peroxide value moisture Moisture WJ-001 5.0% 40% 42~48% 6 5.0%